
Classroom Rules

El saber estar en un sitio es fundamental para las relaciones interpersonales. El instituto y el aula no iban a ser menos. Hay que saber comportarse, y para ello todos debemos seguir a rajatabla las siguientes normas de convivencia:

You must:

  1. be polite: be respectful when you talk to your teacher or a classmate.
  2. do your homework: work at home and revise what you learnt in class, daily.
  3. help your classmates: be a good partner to your mates, it's essential.
  4. ask questions: make your teacher solve your doubts.
  5. put your hand up to speak or ask a question: respect turn taking.
  6. study and work hard: that is the reason why you are here at school.
You mustn't:

  1. arrive late: please be punctual and quiet for the session to start.
  2. cheat in exams: be honest, don't cheat yourself.
  3. copy other students' work: work on your own, your work is your progress.
  4. eat or chew gum in class: wait for the breaktime.
  5. talk or shout: don't disturb other students and let work.
  6. throw litter on the floor: keep your classroom and school clean.
  7. write on the walls or desks: treat furniture and materials carefully.
  8. insult or hit: violence is out of place.
  9. answer back: speak with respect and accept criticism.

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