Now we are going to talk about the expression of the future in English. There are several ways of expressing the future, but in this post we are going to focus on the Future Simple or Will-future. This tense is normally used for talking about future predictions and for expressing promise. It is formed with the auxiliary will followed by the main verb, being the same for all persons.
For instance, this below would be the paradigm of the future simple of 'to be:'
See how easy? So, any verb like that. Let's see some examples:
I will be in London in two hours
We will go to France next month
The president will visit the city
To ask questions in this tense, put the auxiliary will, then the subject and then the main verb.
Will you go to France next year?
Will the president visit the city?
To answer questions with a short answer, use Yes / No, followed by the person and the auxiliary (will for the affirmative answer, and won't or will not for the negative).
Will you come tomorrow? Yes, I will.
Will the children get up early? No, they won't.
As for specific questions, just use the "question word" and then follow the same method. They are answered by using full sentences.
Where will you go next month? - I will go to France next month.
When will the president visit the city? - The president will visit the city next week.
The negative form is made by the subject followed by the auxiliary won't or will not and the infinitive:
I will not come tomorrow
The children won't have classes next week
There are some expressions to refer to the future moment in which these actions are performed:

Vamos a hablar ahora de la expresión del futuro en inglés. Hay varios modos de expresar el tiempo futuro, pero en este post nos centraremos en el futuro simple o futuro con will. Este tiempo se emplea básicamente para hablar de predicciones en el futuro y para expresar promesas. Se forma usando el auxiliar will seguido del verbo, y es igual para todas las personas.
Por ejemplo, la conjugación de futuro del verbo to be sería así:
Veis que fácil es. Pues así con cualquier verbo. Veamos algunos ejemplos:
I will be in London in two hours (Estaré en Londres en dos horas)
We will go to France next month (Iremos a Francia el mes que viene)
The president will visit the city (El presidente visitará la ciudad)
Para realizar preguntas usando este tiempo, se usa el auxiliar will seguido de la persona y luego el verbo.
Will you go to France next year? (¿Irás a Francia el año que viene?)
Will the president visit the city? (¿El presidente visitará la ciudad?)
Para responder a las preguntas con respuestas cortas, se usa Yes / No, seguido de la persona y el auxiliar (will para la respuesta afirmativa, won't o will not para la negativa).
Will you come tomorrow? Yes, I will.
Will the children get up early? No, they won't.
Para realizar una pregunta específica, se usa la "question word" y luego, se sigue el mismo método. Se responde usando la frase completa.
Where will you go next month? - I will go to France next month.
When will the president visit the city? - The president will visit the city next week.
La forma negativa se compone del sujeto seguido por el auxiliar will not o su forma contracta won't y el verbo en infinitivo.
I will not come tomorrow (No vendré mañana)
The children won't have classes next week (Los niños no tendrán clases la próxima semana)
Existen algunas expresiones para hacer referencia al futuro en el cual se realizarán estas acciones:
Exercise1, Exercise2, Exercise3, Exercise4.
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