Past Simple - Negative and Questions


La forma interrogativa del Past Simple, como vimos en clase, se compone del auxiliar did seguido del sujeto y el verbo en infinitivo. El auxiliar es igual para todas las personas.

They played tennis for two hours.   Did they play tennis for two hours?
She arrived late.   Did she arrive late?
Jane swam in the river.   Did she swim in the river?

Para responder con una short answer (respuesta corta) usamos did o didn't:
Did you see the double-deckers?  Yes, we did.
Did Jane swim in the sea?  No, she didn't.

Los pronombres interrogativos (what, where, when, how, who) van delante del auxiliar did:
Where did you live in 2006?  (¿Dónde vivías en el 2006?)
What did you eat yesterday? (¿Qué comiste ayer?)

La forma negativa se compone de la persona, seguido del auxiliar did seguido de not y el verbo en infinitivo. En lenguaje informal, puede usarse la forma contracta didn't.

They played tennis for two hours.    They didn't play tennis for two hours.
She arrived late.    She didn't arrive late.
Jane swam in the river.     She didn't swim in the river.

Os presento aquí una pequeña lista de algunos verbos irregulares con su pasado simple. Intentad recordarlos:

Para obtener una lista más completa de verbos irregulares con sus formas de pasado simple, ver list of irregular verbs.


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