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The Simple Present is used in English to express habits and routine actions, i.e. what we do daily or frequently. That's why usually appears with the adverbs of frequency that we saw in class (always, usually, often, sometimes, never) and time adverbials (everyday, every afternoon, in the mornings, on Saturdays, at the weekends).
The Simple Present in the affirmative is formed with the base form of the infinitive. The infinitive in English consists of two particles, to and the base form, so the verb "eat" would be in English 'to eat'. Well, to form this tense we will use only the base form after the subject, taking into account that in the third person singular (he / she / it) you must add an '-s' to the verb. Look at this chart:

You see, it's easy, but never you forget the '-s' of the third person singular!
Spelling rules:
1) As a rule we must add an '-s'.
Sam cleans his room everyday.
Peter gets up at 7.30 am.
The girl plays with her dolls.
2) If the verb ends in-ss,-x,-sh,-ch,-o, add '-es'.
He passes his exams (pass-passes)
She washes her hands (wash-washes)
It goes to the city centre (go-goes)
3) What if the verb ends in consonant plus -y, change it by -i and add '-es'.
Peter studies at Saltes School (study-studies)
My bird flies in its cage (fly-flies)
¡Qué tal!
El Present Simple se usa en inglés para expresar hábitos y acciones rutinarias, es decir, lo que hacemos a diario o con cierta frecuencia. Es por eso que suele aparecer con los adverbios de frecuencia que vimos en clase (always, usually, often, sometimes, never) y con complementos de tiempo (everyday, every afternoon, in the mornings, on Saturdays, at the weekends). 
The Simple Present is used in English to express habits and routine actions, i.e. what we do daily or frequently. That's why usually appears with the adverbs of frequency that we saw in class (always, usually, often, sometimes, never) and time adverbials (everyday, every afternoon, in the mornings, on Saturdays, at the weekends).
The Simple Present in the affirmative is formed with the base form of the infinitive. The infinitive in English consists of two particles, to and the base form, so the verb "eat" would be in English 'to eat'. Well, to form this tense we will use only the base form after the subject, taking into account that in the third person singular (he / she / it) you must add an '-s' to the verb. Look at this chart:

You see, it's easy, but never you forget the '-s' of the third person singular!
Spelling rules:
1) As a rule we must add an '-s'.
Sam cleans his room everyday.
Peter gets up at 7.30 am.
The girl plays with her dolls.
2) If the verb ends in-ss,-x,-sh,-ch,-o, add '-es'.
He passes his exams (pass-passes)
She washes her hands (wash-washes)
It goes to the city centre (go-goes)
3) What if the verb ends in consonant plus -y, change it by -i and add '-es'.
Peter studies at Saltes School (study-studies)
My bird flies in its cage (fly-flies)

El Present Simple en su forma afirmativa se forma con la forma base del infinitivo. El infinitivo en inglés consta de dos partículas: to y la forma base, así el verbo 'comer' sería en inglés 'to eat'. Pues bien, para formar este tiempo usaremos sólo la forma base detrás del sujeto, teniendo en cuenta que en la tercera persona del singular (he/she/it) hay que añadirle al verbo la terminación '-s'. Mirad la tabla de arriba en la sección de inglés.
Normas ortográficas
1) Por norma hay que añadir una -s:
Sam cleans his room everyday.
Peter gets up at 7.30 am.
The girl plays with her dolls.
2) Si el verbo acaba en -ss, -x, -sh, -ch, -o, añadimos -es
He passes his exams (pass-passes)
She washes her hands (wash-washes)
It goes to the city centre (go-goes)
3) Y si el verbo acaba en consonante más -y, cambiamos ésta por -i y añadimos -es.
Peter studies at Saltes School (study-studies)
My bird flies in its cage (fly-flies)
For practice:
Exercise1, Exercise2, Exercise3, Exercise4.
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