Going-to future is commonly used when you want to refer to something that is going to happen in the immediate future (predictions with present evidence).
It's going to rain this afternoon!
You are going to fall off the horse!
It is also used for talking about intentions or plans.
I'm going to learn English
They're going to spend their holidays in Cuba
It is formed with the verb 'be' pertinently conjugated, followed by 'going to' and the base form of the verb (infinitive). For example:
The interrogative form of this structure is made up of the interrogative form of the verb 'be' and then 'going to' plus the base form of the verb.
Is it going to rain this afternoon?
Are you going to learn English?
Short answers are formed by Yes or No plus the subject pronoun and the affirmative or negative auxiliary.
Are you going to go to the cinema? Yes, I am.
Are they going to travel to Gibraltar? No, they aren't.
To ask a wh-question just add the wh-particle (question word) in front of the auxiliary at the beginning:
What are you going to do in May?
Where are you going to spend your holidays?
How are you going to travel?
For negatives, you should use the verb 'be' in its negative form, followed by 'going to' and the base verb form:
I'm not going to play football today.
She is not going to come with us.

El tiempo futuro con going to se usa más comúnmente cuando se desea hacer referencia a algo que está por ocurrir en el futuro inmediato (predicciones con evidencia en el presente):
It's going to rain this afternoon! (¡Va a llover esta tarde!)
You are going to fall off the horse! (¡Te vas a caer del caballo!)
También se emplea para hablar de intenciones o planes para hacer algo.
I'm going to learn English (Voy a aprender inglés)
They're going to spend their holidays in Cuba (Van a pasar las vacaciones en Cuba)
Se forma con el verbo to be conjugado para la persona correspondiente, seguido de going to y el verbo base (infinitivo). Por ejemplo:
I am going to play (Voy a jugar)
She is going to play (Va a jugar)
They are going to play (Van a jugar)
La forma interrogativa de esta construcción se compone de la forma interrogativa del verbo to be y luego going to más el verbo base.
Is it going to rain this afternoon?
Are you going to learn English?
Las respuestas cortas se forman con Yes / No seguido de la persona y el auxiliar de este tiempo, que ya sabes que es el verbo to be:
Are you going to go to the cinema? Yes, I am.
Are they going to travel to Gibraltar? No, they aren't.
Para hacer preguntas del tipo de partícula, se agrega la 'question word' delante. Por ejemplo:
What are you going to do in May?
Where are you going to spend your holidays?
How are you going to travel?
Para expresar la negación, se debe usar el verbo to be en su forma negativa, seguido de going to más el verbo base:
I'm not going to play football today.
She isn't going to come with us.
Exercise1, Exercise2, Exercise3, Exercise4, Exercise5.
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