In class, we studied the verb 'have got'. You know that you must remember that the form for the third person singular of the verb is has got. Below, in the Spanish section, I'll leave you a summary chart. Remember that this verb indicates possession and we use the verb 'to be' for the following expressions:
tener hambre/sed (to be hungry / thirsty)
tener frío/calor (to be cold / hot)
tener suerte (to be lucky)tener frío/calor (to be cold / hot)
tener años (to be years old)
The short answers are formed with the subject pronoun plus have/has for the affirmative and haven't/hasn't for the negative. For example:
Have you got a brother ? - Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
Has Peter got a car? - Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't.
Don't forget got but never use it in short answers. Look at the following examples:
Mary has got long hair (Mary's got long hair): María tiene el pelo largo.
You have got a small mouth (You've got a small mouth): Tienes la boca pequeña.
Has your sister got a boyfriend? : ¿Tu hermana tiene novio?
Yes, she has. : Sí, lo tiene.
No, she hasn't. : No, no tiene.
See you soon!

Vimos en clase el verbo tener en inglés, have got. Ya sabéis que debéis tener en cuenta que en la tercera persona del singular (he, she, it) el verbo cambia a has got. Aquí os dejo el esquema resumen.

tener hambre/sed (to be hungry / thirsty)
tener frío/calor (to be cold / hot)
tener suerte (to be lucky)
tener años (to be years old)
Las short answers se forman con el pronombre sujeto más have/has en la afirmativa o haven't/hasn't en la negativa. Por ejemplo:
Have you got a brother ?
Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
Has Peter got a car?
Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't.
No os olvidéis del got, pero nunca lo pongáis en las short answers. Mirad los siguientes ejemplos:
Mary has got long hair (Mary's got long hair): María tiene el pelo largo.
You have got a small mouth (You've got a small mouth): Tienes la boca pequeña.
Has your sister got a boyfriend? : ¿Tu hermana tiene novio?
Yes, she has. : Sí, lo tiene.
No, she hasn't. : No, no tiene.
¡Nos vemos!
Exercise1, Exercise2, Exercise3.
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