There are a number of expressions used when offering help in English. Here are some of the most common:
Can I help you?
May I help you?
Are you looking for something?
Do you need some help?
Would you like some help?
Do you want me to help you?
Would you like me to help you?
What can I do for you?
Is there anything I can do?
Could I be of assistance?
May I offer my assistance?
Can I give you a hand?
Do you need a helping hand?
I'll help you.
Shall I help you?
The responses to these offerings can be either affirmative or negative. Common affirmative responses are, for instance:
Thank you for your kindness.
That's very kind of you.
It's all right.
Yes, please.
If you're so kind.
Thank you so much.
Common negative responses are, for example:
Thanks, but I can manage.
There's no need, but thank you anyway.
No, it's Okay, thanks.
No, don't bother.
No, don't worry.
Have a look at these examples:
A: Shall I carry those bags for you, Madam?
B: That's very kind of you.
A: Would you like me to take you to the hospital, Sir?
B: No, it's Okay, thanks.
A: I'll help you with your homework.
B: Thank you so much!
Remember the appelative for a man is Sir, and for a woman Madam. You use Mr, Mrs, and Ms followed by surnames.You use Sir and Lady followed by first names:
May I help you, Madam / Sir?
Can I help you, Mrs Thomson / Mr Thomson?
Would you like some help, Lady Anna / Sir John?
Finally, sometimes you will need to ask for help. Then, asking for help can be conveyed by means of the following expressions:
Could you help me, please?
I beg your help.
Can you lend me a hand?
Will you give me a hand?
I need some assistance, please.
Would you mind helping me out?

Existe un número de expresiones en inglés que se utilizan cuando ofrecemos ayuda a alguien. Aquí os presento algunas de las más normales:
Can I help you? (¿Te puedo ayudar?)
May I help you? (¿Puedo ayudarle?)
Are you looking for something? (¿Está buscando algo?)
Do you need some help? (¿Necesita ayuda?)
Would you like some help? (¿Quiere ayuda?)
Do you want me to help you? (¿Quieres que te ayude?)
Would you like me to help you? (¿Quiere que le ayude?)
What can I do for you? (¿Qué puedo hacer por usted?)
Is there anything I can do? (¿Hay algo que pueda hacer?)
Could I be of assistance? (¿Le puedo ser de ayuda?)
May I offer my assistance? (¿Puedo ofrecerle mi ayuda?)
Can I give you a hand? (¿Puedo echarle una mano?)
Do you need a helping hand?(¿Necesitas una mano?)
I'll help you. (Yo le ayudo)
Shall I help you? (¿Le ayudo?)
Las respuestas a estos ofrecimientos pueden ser bien afirmativas o bien negativas. Ejemplos de respuestas afirmativas comunes son:
Thank you for your kindness. (Gracias por su amabilidad)
That's very kind of you. (Muy amable por su parte)
It's all right. (Vale, está bien)
Great! (¡Estupendo!)
Yes, please. (Sí, por favor)
If you're so kind. (Si es tan amable)
Thank you so much. (Muchísimas gracias)
Ejemplos de algunas respuestas negativas típicas son:
Thanks, but I can manage. (Gracias, pero puedo arreglármelas solo)
There's no need, but thank you anyway. (No hace falta, pero gracias de todos modos)
No, it's Okay, thanks. (No, está bien así, gracias)
No, don't bother. (No, no te molestes)
No, don't worry. (No, no te preocupes)
Observa estos otros ejemplos:
A: Shall I carry those bags for you, Madam?
B: That's very kind of you.
A: Would you like me to take you to the hospital, Sir?
B: No, it's Okay, thanks.
A: I'll help you with your homework.
B: Thank you so much!
Acuérdate que el vocativo de cortesía para el hombre es Sir, y para la mujer Madam. Se usa Mr, Mrs, y Ms seguido de apellidos. Se usa Sir y Lady seguido de nombres de pila:
May I help you, Madam / Sir?
Can I help you, Mrs Thomson / Mr Thomson?
Would you like some help, Lady Anna / Sir John?
Por último, algunas veces vas a necesitar pedir ayuda. En ese caso, el pedir ayuda se puede expresar por medio de las siguientes expresiones:
Could you help me, please? (¿Podría ayudarme, por favor?)
I beg your help. (Le ruego que me ayude)
Can you lend me a hand? (¿Puedes echarme una mano?)
Will you give me a hand? (¿Me echas un cable?)
I need some assistance, please. (Necesito ayuda, por favor)
Would you mind helping me out? (¿Le importaría ayudarme?)
Practice: Exercise.
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