Occasionally, at work or at home, someone will say something that is very rude and offensive. You'll be shocked and angry... we say in English that you take offence at their words. How can you make this person realise how upset you are by what they've said?
- Stopping someone while they're talking:
Just a minute...
Hang on...
Hold on...
Just a second...
- Showing that you disagree:
Certain words show that you have a different opinion. Try using actually, well, but, and I'm sorry:
Actually, the discount was only 5%.
Well, you're wrong about that actually.
I'm sorry, but you're totally wrong about that!
- Stating that you're offended by something:
I really take exception to that!
I disapprove of what you say!
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you talk to me like this!
- Asking someone to apologise for their words or change their view:
(I think you should) take that back!
Take back what you just said!
Change your mind!
Apologise yourself for that!
- Strengthening your words:
Your words will have more power if you use people's names. Also, use emphatic devices like really and do:
Just a second, Martin. I really take exception to what you've just said.
I really really do take exception to that!

En ocasiones en el trabajo o en casa, alguien puede decir algo que sea maleducado y ofensivo. Probablemente te sorprenda negativamente y te haga enfadar. En inglés, decimos que te "ofenden sus palabras". ¿Cómo podéis hacer ver a esa persona que estáis enojados con lo que acaba de deciros?
- Interrumpiéndole mientras habla:
Just a minute... [un momento...]
Hang on... [para...]
Hold on... [espera...]
Just a second... [un segundo...]
- Mostrando tu desacuerdo:
Algunas palabras indican que tú tienes una opinión distinta. Prueba a usar actually, well, but, y I'm sorry:
Actually, the discount was only 5%. [En realidad, el descuento era sólo del 5%]
Well, you're wrong about that actually. [Bueno, en verdad te equivocas en eso]
I'm sorry, but you're totally wrong about that! [Lo siento, pero estás totalmente equivocado en eso]
- Afirmando que estás ofendido por algo:
I really take exception to that! [¡Objeto totalmente con eso!]
I disapprove of what you say! [¡No apruebo lo que dices!]
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you talk to me like this! [Lo siento, pero no voy a consentir que me hables así]
- Pidiéndole a alguien que se disculpe por sus palabras o que cambie de opinión:
I think you should take that back immediately! [¡Creo que deberías retirar eso ahora mismo!]
Take back what you've just said! [¡Retira lo que acabas de decir!]
Change your mind! [¡Cambia de parecer!]
Apologise yourself for that! [¡Pide perdón por eso!]
- Reforzando tus palabras:
Tus palabras tendrán más fuerza si usas los nombres de las personas a las que te diriges. También, usa instrumentos enfáticos como really y do:
I really really do take exception to that! [¡Me opongo complétamente a eso!]
Just a second, Martin. I really take exception to what you've just said. [¡Un segundo, Martin! Me opongo
a lo que acabas de decir]
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